Small-world characteristics in geographic, epidemic, and virtual spaces : a comparative study

Small-World Characteristics in Geographic, Epidemic, and Virtual Spaces: A Comparative Study. (May 2007) Zengwang Xu, B.E., Southwestern JiaoTong University; M.S., Nanjing University Chair of Advisory Committee: Dr. Daniel Z. Sui This dissertation focuses on a comparative study of small-world characteristics in geographical, epidemic, and virtual spaces. Small-world network is the major component of the “new science of networks” that emerged recently in research related to complex networks. It has shown a great potential to model the complex networks encountered in geographical studies. This dissertation, in an attempt to understand the emergence of small-world phenomenon in spatial networks, has investigated the smallworld properties in aforementioned three spaces. Specifically, this dissertation has studied roadway transportation networks at national, metropolitan, and intra-city scales via network autocorrelation methods to investigate the distance effect on the emergence of small-world properties. This dissertation also investigated the effect of small-world network properties on the epidemic diffusion and different control strategies through agent-based simulation on social networks. The ASLevel Internet in the contiguous U.S. has been studied in its relation between local and global connections, and its correspondence with small-world characteristics.

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