교양 체조수업에 참여한 교육대학생의 수업스트레스와 수업만족의 관계
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationships between class stress and class satisfaction in university gymnastic class. The subjects for this study totalled 215 (male 82, femal 133) participating in gymnastic class at education university. Instruments of this study were used Stress Scale (Lee, 2001), Satisfaction Scale(Park, 1997) developed for participator in physical education class. The independent sampled multiple correlation multiple regression analysis were used in order to exam relationships among variables. Based upon the result of this study, the following conclusions were drawn as follows: First, gymnastic class stress had an effect on class satisfaction in university student participating gymnastic class. Second, gymnastic class stress had negative with relationships with class satisfaction in university student participating gymnastic class.