Technical evaluation report on the fluid dynamics panel symposium on high angle of attack aerodynamics

Abstract : A symposium on High-Angle-of-Attack Aerodynamics, organized by the AGARD Fluid Dynamics Panel, was held at Sandefjord, Norway from October 4 through October 6, 1978. The aim of the Symposium was 'to bring together those working on fundamental fluid mechanics aspects of flight at high incidence and those concerned with the aerodynamic design of flight vehicles, to review developments in design and analysis techniques and to study the implications of available experiment data and theoretical results, including those concerned with asymmetric flight'. A total of thirty-two formal papers, organized into four topical sessions, were presented with an additional seven informal short papers being presented in an open workshop session. The Symposium was concluded with a round table discussion. The four topical sessions were: I-Studies of Configurations of Practical Application; II- Mathematical Modeling and Supporting Investigations; III-Design Methods; IV- Air Intakes. The thirty-two formal papers and seven open session papers have been published as AGARD Conference Proceedings No. 247. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview and evaluation of each topical sessions, and conclusions with regard to the impact on the state of technology, including some thoughts relative to areas where increased effort would appear profitable. (Author)