In recent years, a new “fine-grained” theory of computational hardness has been developed, based on “fine-grained reductions” that focus on exact running times for problems. Mimicking NP-hardness, the approach is to (1) select a key problem X that for some function t , is conjectured to not be solvable by any O(t(n)1 ") time algorithm for " > 0, and (2) reduce X in a fine-grained way to many important problems, thus giving tight conditional time lower bounds for them. This approach has led to the discovery of many meaningful relationships between problems, and to equivalence

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[2]  Liam Roditty,et al.  Towards tight approximation bounds for graph diameter and eccentricities , 2018, STOC.

[3]  Karl Bringmann,et al.  More consequences of falsifying SETH and the orthogonal vectors conjecture , 2018, STOC.

[4]  Karl Bringmann,et al.  Clique-Based Lower Bounds for Parsing Tree-Adjoining Grammars , 2018, CPM.

[5]  Richard Ryan Williams,et al.  Tight Hardness for Shortest Cycles and Paths in Sparse Graphs , 2017, SODA.

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[35]  Richard Ryan Williams,et al.  Strong ETH Breaks With Merlin and Arthur: Short Non-Interactive Proofs of Batch Evaluation , 2016, CCC.

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