Using 21st Century Technology for DNP Student Patient Interview and Interprofessional Care Coordination

Summary: Telehealth training should be incorporated into DNP education to prepare students as providers in the 21st century since six of the seven continents have nurses participating in telehealth. This presentation provides lessons learned from the development and simulation of telehealth modules and student experiences of patient interviews and interprofessional collaboration Content Outline: Introduction: A. Access to healthcare is limited in rural locations B. Chronic diseases are a large expense within the healthcare system C. Telehealth has shown to improve access and quality of care while decreasing cost D. Six of the seven continents are using nurses in tele-healthcare Purpose: Educate DNP students to conduct patient interviews and collaborate interprofessionally using telehealth technology Design: A. Eighty-three DNP students completed telehealth modules and simulated patient interview B. Patient interview was reported to a collaborating provider using telehealth C. Sixteen percent of students felt prepared to interview the patient and 17.5% feel prepared to lead an interprofessional meeting D. Favorable comments by students for exposure to telehealth technology and potential application in future practice E. Human factors or user-technology issues made up the items students liked least of the course such as not performing a “hands-on” exam F. Simulated patient “actors” expressed user technology issues, however, were very comfortable with the examinations Conclusion: A. Students and simulated patients indicated that both appreciated ease and convenience of interviewing patients through technology B. They appreciated visual technology instead of audio technology to address issues C. Both struggled with issues related to the technology itself and the need to have backup systems available to support the process D. Modules were redesigned to address the identified issues and facilitate future students’ education using 21st century technology. First Primary Presenting Author Primary Presenting Author Rene A. Love, PhD, DNP University of Arizona College of Nursing