단일저수지 월간운영률의 개발 : I. 다목적 유전자알고리즘을 적용한 조각선형운영률

Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) and piecewise-linear operating rule are applied to develop reservoir operating rule for single reservoir. Synthetic inflow is generated using AR (1) time series model and two multi-objectives that are to minimize water shortage and to maximize hydroelectric power production and constraints about terminal storage and water supply demand are used in order to perform MOGA. The 99% nonexceedance and exceedance quantiles are used as maximum and minimum storages to calculate the limits of the first and last endpoints of operating rule, respectively. For the sake of evaluating the performance of the developed operating rule, reservoir operation results are achieved only using the developed operating rule and historical inflow. The results show that the piecewise-linear operating rule is a promising one to be able to apply reservoir operation.