[Distribution and excretion of a glycosaminopolysulfate in the rabbit after parenteral application (author's transl)].
The pharmacokinetics of unlabelled and tritium-labelled glycosaminoglycan polysulfate (GAGPS) was examined by gel chromatography, electrophoresis and radiometry. The compound was given i.m. and, for comparison, i.v. In both cases (dose: 7.5 mg/kg) blood levels after 1 h reached maxima of approx. 6 mug/ml and remained between 2.0 and 1.5 mug/ml for between 24 and 48 h. The question of threshold-limited excretion is discussed. The concentration curves of the synovia were almost identical to those of the blood. The cartilage of the joint had a comparable level after 48 h (1.7 mug/g), whilst the level was lower in rib cartilage (1.1 mug/g). Urinary excretion within 24 h amounted to 45% of almost unchanged GAGPS. A further 10% were excreted within the following 24 h. The residue was distributed chiefly in the kidneys, liver, skin, spleen, gut, and bone marrow. In the course of the elimination time the excreted substnace showed a lower molecular weight as was found by gel chromatography.