Mathematical analysis of perifusion data: models predicting elution concentration.

System models are constructed and analyzed for combined convective flow and for dispersion in distorting concentrations of a chemical signal as it passes through a packed column. We derive general analytical solutions for these models. The results have applications to analyses such as in biological experiments involving hormonal stimulation of perifused cells, elution chromatography, adsorption columns, and studies of groundwater flow. The models reveal that the column distorts an incoming signal (such as a change in solute concentration in the flowing liquid) at the inlet. This distortion is greatest at low values of the Peclet number of the flow and is small at larger values. We explore the effects of the approximations inherent in the mathematical models of the system. Specification of the boundary conditions of the problem are shown to be particularly important. With the use of incorrect models, it is possible to obtain accurate interpolations to data obtained from perfusion experiments. However, the parameters derived (in particular the dispersion constant and the peak concentration of a solute concentration pulse) may be considerably in error. This may lead to errors when these parameter estimates are used to predict results in other experimental situations.