Oscillation wavelength shifts of laser diodes with or without a package in a magnetic field

We have measured the oscillation characteristic shifts of laser diodes originated from a magnetic field. We observed wavelength shifts toward the longer wavelength side, i.e., a red shift, by using the beat note between test and reference lasers at room temperature in more than five different laser types, whereas the experiments in early 60s showed a blue shift at extremely low temperature and in a very strong magnetic field. We also observed output power shifts toward the lower power side. Both characteristic shifts showed the same tendencies at increased temperature. So, we considered the magnetic field increases the temperature of the laser diodes and then two characteristics will change. Our experiment, however, showed that the amounts of changes in temperature, estimated from each characteristic shift, do not coincide with each other. At the first stage of our experiment, we removed the packaging parts of laser diodes because they are made of ferromagnetic materials. However, we recently observed the wavelength shifts using the laser diodes with the packaging parts. We are now expecting the changes of the current flow around the active region in the magnetic field can explain this discrepancy by using the correlation analysis between these two shifts.