Internet availability and e-documents are freely used in the community. This condition has the potential for the occurrence of the act of plagiarism against an e-document of scientific work. The process of detecting plagiarism in some cases seems to be done manually by using human power so that it has the potential to make mistakes in observing and remembering the checkpoints that have been done. The method used in this research is to represent two sets of objects compared in the form of probability. In order for the method to run perfectly, the Rabin-Karp algorithm is applied, wherein Rabin-Karp is a string matching algorithm that uses hash functions as a comparison between the searched string (m) and substring in the text (n). If both hash values are the same then the comparison will be done once again to the characters. The resulting system is a web-based application that shows the value of the similarity of two sets of objects.
A. B. Mutiara,et al.
Anti Plagiarism Application with Algorithm Karp-Rabin at Thesis in Gunadarma University
Janis Grundspenkis,et al.
Computer-based plagiarism detection methods and tools: an overview
CompSysTech '07.
Stefan Gruner,et al.
Tool support for plagiarism detection in text documents
SAC '05.
S. Kosinov.
Evaluation of N-grams conflation approach in text-based information retrieval
Proceedings Eighth Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval.
Sahriar Hamza,et al.
Sistem Koreksi Soal Essay Otomatis Dengan Menggunakan Metode Rabin Karp
Rizqi Bayu Aji Pradana.
Automatic Essay Grading System Menggunakan Metode Latent Semantic Analysis