A Service Scenario Development for Digital Comics Content using DRM Technology

In recently, digital comic content distribution was not stable for illegal distribution and the weak of intellectual property right in the internet. The research activities of suggest the distribution model and secure intellectual property right are going in international standard communities, not yet in Korea. As the basis of the research, the general framework of international projects and standards such as MPEG-21, IMPREMATUR, FILIGRANE was analysed. Targeting on the domain of digital comics industry, the digital comics distribution structure and business flow model are defined adapting secured distribution system, DRM. The detail content of this research consist of three themes. The first, survey and analysis of the international standard & leading DRM project`s models. The second, suggestion of the service scenario on the digital comic content distribution. The third, suggestion of the model on the secured distribution of digital comics. Through this research targeting at the digital comics business, we found that standards technical items and requirements was well adapted into target domain, and would affect other domain in digital content industry.