Fascia in Sport and Movement

Section A: Theory: Fascia as a bodywide tensional network: anatomy, biomechanics, physiology (Schleip). Myofascial force transmission (Mutch). Tittel model on muscle slings and its application (Philipp Richter). Hyper- and hypomobility (Remvig & Juul-Kristensen). Stretching: myths, facts, and current research directions Lederman). Anatomy Trains in Motion (Myers). Fascia as a sensory organ (Schleip). Fascial tissue in movement (elastic recoil) (Schleip). Stress loading and Matrix remodelling in tendon and skeletal muscle: Cellular mechano-stimulation and Tissue remodelling (Kjaer). Biochemistry, incl. nutrition, pH level (Klingler) Section B: Clinical Applications. How to Train Fascia in Yoga (Avison). How to Train Fascia in Martial Arts (Petersen). Elastic Walking (Zorn). Fascial Fitness and Micromovements (Schleip & Muller). Fascia oriented rehab approaches- treatment after injury (Martinez). Applying fascial fitness working with athletes - Athletic coaching (Mutch). Functional Training Methods for The Runners' Fascia (Kelsick). How to Train Fascia in Soccer Coaching (Eder & Hoffmann). How to Train Fascia in Dance (Simmel). How to Train Fascia in Kettlebell Training (including clubbells) (Eddy). How to Train Fascia in Plyometrics (Heiduk). How to Train Fascia in Pilates (Larkam). How to Train Fascia in Gyrotonics (Dennenmoser) Section C: Assessment. Accelerometer (Schleip). Ultrasound technologies, Myotonometry and Electrical Impedence Myometry as an objective measurement technology for the assessment of soft connective tissues (Gordon, Frenzel & Schleip). Palpatory and Range Of Motion Assessment (Chaitow). New research directions and perspectives (Schleip)