Couple observational coding systems
Contents: Preface. Part I: Conceptual and Methodological Issues. D.H. Baucom, P.K. Kerig, Coding Couples' Interactions: Introduction and Overview. R.L. Weiss, R.E. Heyman, Couples Observational Research: An Impertinent, Critical Overview. F.J. Floyd, C.H. Rogers, Methodological Guidelines for Conducting Observations of Couples. S.L. Sayers, K. McGrath, Data Analytic Strategies for Couple Observational Coding Systems. Part II: Problem-Solving and Communication. R.E. Heyman, Rapid Marital Interaction Coding System (RMICS). W.A. Griffin, S.M. Greene, A. Decker-Haas, The MICSEASE: An Observational Coding System for Capturing Social Processes. G.H. Kline, D. Julien, B. Baucom, S. Hartman, K. Gilbert, T. Gonzalez, H.J. Markman, The Interactional Dimensions Coding System (ICDS): A Global System for Couple Interactions. K. Hahlweg, Kategoriensystem fur Partnerschaftliche Interaktion (KPI): Interactional Coding System (ICS). F.J. Floyd, Communication Skills Test (CST) Observational System for Couples' Problem-Solving Skills. M. Sevier, L.E. Simpson, A. Christensen, Observational Coding of Demand-Withdraw Interactions in Couples. N.M. Malik, K.M. Lindahl, System for Coding Interactions in Dyads. Part III: Affect and Intimacy. A.F. Shapiro, J.M. Gottman, The Specific Affect Coding System. J.L. Driver, J.M. Gottman, Turning Toward Versus Turning Away: A Coding System of Daily Interactions. A.A. Tabares, J.L. Driver, J.M. Gottman, Repair Attempts Observational Coding System: Measuring De-Escalation of Negative Affect During Marital Conflict. M. Dorian, J.V. Cordova, Coding Intimacy in Couples' Interactions. M.S. Schulz, R.J. Waldinger, Looking in the Mirror: Participant Observation of Affect Using Video Recall in Couple Interactions. Part IV: Information Processing. D. Vivian, J. Langhinrichsen-Rohling, R.E. Heyaman, The Thematic Coding of Dyadic Interactions: Observing the Context of Couple Conflict. L.J. Sullivan, D.H. Baucom, The Relationship Schema Coding System: Coding the Behavioral Manifestations of Relationship Thinking. Part V: Social Support. J.A. Suhr, C.E. Cutrona, K.K. Krebs, S.L. Jensen, The Social Support Behavior Code. L.A. Pasch, K.W. Harris, K.T. Sullivan, T.N. Bradbury, The Social Support Interaction Coding System.