Technical Note and Cover

The advent of Earth Resources Technology has added a new dimension to observing, studying and interpreting the ground objects of an area. Since the inception of operational remote sensing researchers have made continuous efforts to generate elevation data from satellite images, thus producing a digital elevation model (DEM). A DEM is a surface generated from the elevation data which is used for various geospatial analyses. However, high spatial resolution and an accurate DEM of the entire globe is still not available to the user community. Furthermore, requirements of DEMs of rugged terrain are very high since other DEM generation approaches have severe limitations in highly rugged terrains like the Himalayas. Several studies have been carried out in this direction, but have mainly focused on stereo pair data of the same sensor, deriving the DEM from these datasets. In recent years Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry technique has been developed to generate DEM, but without any success in highly...