Disease Markers in Exhaled Breath

PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF DISEASE MARKERS IN EXHALED GASES Nitric Oxide Nitric Oxide as a Biological Mediator Maria G. Belvisi, Jane A. Mitchell, and Sir Magdi H. Yacoub Physiology of Exhaled Nitric Oxide L. Christofer Adding and Lars E. Gustafsson Molecular and Cellular Sources of Exhaled Nitric Oxide Aaron Deykin, Anthony F. Massaro, Lester Kobzik, George T. De Sanctis, and Jeffrey M. Drazen Determinants of Exhaled Nitric Oxide: Influence of Ventilation and Pulmonary Blood Flow Nandor Marczin, I. Gavin Wright, and Sir Magdi H. Yacoub Carbon Monoxide Heme Oxygenase-1 in Lung Disease Patty J. Lee, Leo E. Otterbein, Jigme M. Sethi, Madhu Sasidhar, and Augustine M. K. Choi Carbon Monoxide: A Gaseous Molecule with Anti-Inflammatory Properties Leo E. Otterbein, Danielle Morse, Jeff T. Chapman, and Augustine M. K. Choi Markers of Oxidative Damage Role of Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Lung Injury Ian Davis, Judy Hickman-Davis, J. Russell Lindsey, and Sadis Matalon METHODOLOGICAL AND TECHNICAL ASPECTS Exhaled Nitric Oxide, Carbon Monoxide, and Breath Condensate Sergei A. Kharitonov and Peter J. Barnes Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Breath Michael Phillips PATHOLOGICAL ASPECTS Hypoxia Regulation of Nitric Oxide Synthases and Gas-Phase Nitric Oxide by Oxygen Raed A. Dweik and Serpil C. Erzurum Exhaled Markers in Interstitial Lung Disease and Pulmonary Hypertension Sergei A. Kharitonov Ischemia-Reperfusion Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Human Lung Ischemia-Reperfusion Tamas Kovesi, David Royston, Sir Magdi H. Yacoub, and Nandor Marczin Monitoring Distant Organ Reperfusion Injury by Measurement of Volatile Organic Compounds Robert H. Brown and Terence H. Risby Inflammation Exhaled Nitric Oxide, Carbon Monoxide, and Breath Condensate in Inflammatory Lung Disease and Response to Medical Treatment Sergei A. Kharitonov and Peter J. Barnes Exhaled Gas Disease Markers in Septicemia: A Possible Role for Nitric Oxide in Lung Injury John T. Stitt and James S. Douglas Exhaled Breath Markers in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Jochen K. Schubert, Wolfram Miekisch, and Klaus Geiger Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Lung Transplant Recipients Andrew J. Fisher, Anthony De Soyza, and Paul A. Corris Nitric Oxide in Cystic Fibrosis Thomas J. Kelley and Mitchell L. Drumm Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Rheumatic Diseases Giovanni Rolla and Federico Caligaris-Cappio The Disturbance of Metabolism of Oxides of Nitrogen in Liver Disease: Exhaled Nitric Oxide as a Measure of Severity Eric Demoncheaux, Tim W. Higenbottam, and Dermot Gleeson Author Index Subject Index