Sections of elliptic surfaces and Zariski pairs for conic-line arrangements via dihedral covers

In this article, we make use of geometry of sections of elliptic surfaces and elementary arithmetic on the Mordell-Weil group in order to study existence problem of dihedral covers with given reduced curves as the branch loci. As an application, we give some examples of Zariski pairs (B1, B2) for “conic-line arrangements” satisfying the following conditions: ( i ) deg B1 = deg B2 = 7. ( ii ) Irreducible components of Bi (i = 1, 2) are lines and conics. ( iii ) Singularities of Bi (i = 1, 2) are nodes, tacnodes and ordinary triple points. Introduction. Let φ : S → P be a relatively minimal elliptic surface over P with a distinguished section O. Let MW(S) be the set of sections of S. It is well-known that one can define a structure of an abelian group on MW(S) with identity element O and that MW(S) is called the Mordell-Weil group of φ : S → P. We denote the group law by +̇ and the multiplication-by-m map (m ∈ Z) on MW(S) by [m]s for s ∈ MW(S). Also we identify a section with its image on S. Take s1, . . . , sk ∈ MW(S). Then ∑ i[ai]si gives another element of MW(S) and its image on S gives rise to a new curve on S. In this article, we consider p-divisibility (p: odd prime) of ∑ i[ai]si in MW(S) and a reduced divisor on S given by the union of [ai]si (i = 1, . . . , k) in order to study dihedral covers of the Hirzebruch surface Σd of degree d (d : even) or its blowing-ups Σ̂d. As an application, we give examples of Zariski pairs of degree 7 for conic-line arrangements. This can be considered as a continuation of the author’s previous articles ([22], [23], [24], [25]). Before we go on to explain our results in detail, let us first recall the definition of a Zariski pair. Definition 1. A pair (B1, B2) of reduced plane curves Bi (i = 1, 2) of degree n in P = P(C) (the base field of this article is always the field of complex numbers C) is called a Zariski pair of degree n if it satisfies the following condition: ( i ) Bi (i = 1, 2) are curves of degree n such that the combinatorial type (see Definition 2 below) of B1 is the same as that of B2. ( ii ) (P, B1) is not homeomorphic to (P, B2). 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 14E20; Secondary 14J27.

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