Inflationary Features and Shifts in Cosmological Parameters From Planck 2015 Data

We explore the relationship between features in the Planck 2015 temperature and polarization data, shifts in the cosmological parameters, and features from inflation. Residuals in the temperature data at low multipole $\ell$, which are responsible for the high $H_0\approx 70$ km s$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-1}$ and low $\sigma_8\Omega_m^{1/2}$ values from $\ell 1000$ that drive the global $H_0$ constraints and appear as a lensing anomaly also favor running parameters which allow even lower $H_0$, but not once lensing reconstruction is considered. Polarization spectra are intrinsically highly sensitive to these parameter shifts, and even more so in the Planck 2015 TE data due to an outlier at $\ell \approx 165$, which disfavors the best fit $H_0$ $\Lambda$CDM solution by more than $2\sigma$, and high $H_0$ value at almost $3\sigma$. Current polarization data also slightly enhance the significance of a sharp suppression of large-scale power but leave room for large improvements in the future with cosmic variance limited $E$-mode measurements.