Inorganic phosphate materials
1. General Background of Phosphate Materials (T. Kanazawa). Phosphate Science. History of industrial phosphate materials manufacture. Characteristics of inorganic phosphate materials. Utilization of phosphates as industrial materials. Some problems in phosphate materials research. Phosphate rock - source of phosphates. 2. Hydroxyapatite (K. Yamashita, T. Kanazawa). Preparation and processing. Fundamental aspects. Properties and applications. 3. Fluorapatite and Other Apatites (H. Monma, M. Nagai). Crystal chemistry. Fluorapatite (FAp) and Chlorapatite (CAp). Bromapatite. Oxyapatite (OAp). Carbonate-containing Apatite. Cadmiumapatites. Other substituted apatites. 4. Calcium Orthophosphates (H. Monma). Amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP). Tricalcium phosphate (TCP). Apatitic layered compound, octacalcium phosphate (OCP). Tetracalcium phosphate. Others. 5. Magnesium, Aluminium and Rare Earth Phosphates (T. Umegaki). Structure and properties. Applications. 6. Two-Dimensional Layered Phosphates (S. Yamanaka, M. Hattori). Crystal structure. Preparation. Thermal behaviour. Uranyl phosphate. Vanadyl phosphate. 7. Three-Dimensional Network Phosphates (M. Nagai). Preparation and processing. Crystal chemistry. Properties and applications. 8. Powdery Phosphates (M. Chikazawa). Physical and chemical properties. Powder materials. 9. Condensed Phosphates (T. Umegaki). Structure and properties. Applications. 10. Phosphate Glasses and Glass-Ceramics (Y. Abe, H. Hosono). Structure of phosphate glasses. Properties of phosphate glasses. New phosphate-based glasses having special functions. Crystallization of phosphate glasses. Glass-ceramics and applications. Index.