The aim of this paper is to highlight the pre-pack reorganization plan (PRP or UPPR in Serbian), as an alternative method in resolving the financial difficulties of the debtor, and present its advantages and disadvantages in the implementation, as well as the economic aspects that lead to the downfall of the company. UPPR is a hybrid procedure, which involves the inclusion of the court, but to a lesser extent than the traditional process. This model is more than the restructuring of debt and capital structure. The application of this unique approach implies the fundamental change of the company’s operations as well as its business policy, which eliminates the accumulated debts and negative trends. Pre-pack reorganization plan (UPPR) is a plan that the debtor prepared in cooperation with creditors and submitted simultaneously with a proposal to initiate bankruptcy proceedings. Unlike other solutions, pre-pack reorganization plan may be voted in advance, when the Law of Bankruptcy allows for such an option. This model represents the solution for overcoming the critical situations and avoiding bankruptcy or liquidation procedure. Apstrakt: Cilj ovog rada jeste da istakne unapred pripremljen plan reorgani zacije (UPPR) kao alternativnu metodu za razresavanje finansijskih poteskoca dužnika, kao i da ukaže na njegove prednosti i nedostatke, kao i na ekonomske aspekte koji vode do propasti kompanije. UPPR je hibridni proces, koji podrazumeva ucesce suda, ali u manjoj meri u odnosu na tradicionalan pristup. Ovaj model je vise od rekonstrukcije dugovanja i kapitala. Primena ovog pristupa uslovljava promenu po slovanja preduzeca iz temelja kao i njegove politike, cime se eliminisu nagomilana dugovanja i negativni trendovi. Unapred pripremljen plan reorganizacije (UPPR) je plan koji dužnik priprema u saradnji sa poveriocima i dostavlja zajedno da predlogom za pokretanje stecajnog postupka. Za razliku od ostalih resenja, unapred pripremljen plan reorganizacije može biti unapred izglasan, ukoliko zakon o stecaju dozvoljava takvu mogucnost. Ovaj model nudi resenje za prevazilaženje kriticnih situacija i izbegavanje stecaja ili likvidacije.
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