자동차 서스펜션 모듈 피로내구해석을 위한 통합설계시스템 개발

Designer must cope with frequent changes in geometric information of automobile suspension module in the early stage of the design process. The authors developed the PSG(Parametric Set Generator) to create parametric models and to change geometric information concerning the lower arm, which is one of the important parts of the automobile suspension module. CAD models provided from the PSG can be utilized to assess fatigue durability via the FE modeling support system. This system provides easy and fast FE-modeling for a static and durability analysis of the lower arm. The PSG and the FE modeling support system are integrated using the e-engineering framework based on the JADE platform. In this study, a durability analysis as a case study for the lower arm manufactured at H company is performed, and the efficiency obtained is discussed.