Message from IEEE TrustCom 2019 General Chairs
As the General Chairs and on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2019), we would like to express our warmest welcome to all participants that attend the conference and associated workshops/symposia at Rotorua, New Zealand, 5 - 8 August, 2019. Rotorua is world-renowned for its geysers, bubbling mud pools, natural hot springs, adventure sports, and its showcase of the Māori culture. It is also located near other picturesque destinations such as Lake Taupo, Tongariro National Park and the skiing fields at Mount Ruapehu. We are pleased that the TrustCom conference is held in Rotorua this year. A top-ranked conference, IEEE TrustCom has become a premier international conference in the trust, security and privacy areas, aiming at bringing together researchers and practitioners working on trusted computing and communications to present and discuss emerging ideas and trends in this highly challenging research field. IEEE TrustCom 2019 has attracted many high-quality research papers which highlight the foundational work that strives to push beyond limits of existing and emerging technologies, including experimental efforts, innovative systems, and investigations that identify weaknesses in the existing trust, security and privacy services. TrustCom-2019 is sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC), STRATUS, and the University of Waikato. TrustCom-2019 consists of the main conference, the IEEE BigDataSE conference, a (ISC)2 CISSP training workshop, and 4 international workshop/symposia. We are privileged to have Prof. Corey Schou from Idaho State University, USA, Dr Silvio Cesare from Infosect, Australia, Dr Daisuke Inoue from NICT, Japan, Dr Jonathan Oliver from Trend Micro, Australia, and Assoc. Prof. Joseph Liu from Monash University, Australia, deliver this conference's keynote speeches. Many individuals have contributed to the success of this high calibre international conference. We would like to express our special appreciation to Prof. Guojun Wang and Prof. Laurence T. Yang, the Steering Committee Chairs, for giving us this opportunity to hold this prestigious conference and for their guidance on the conference organization. Special thanks to the Program Chairs, Dr. Surya Nepal, Prof. Willy Susilo, Dr Chandramouli Ramaswamy, and Prof Yang Xiang, for their outstanding work on the technical program. We would also like to thank all Track Chairs for assisting the Program Chairs with the large number of submissions and ensuring a high-quality and fair review process. Thanks also to the Workshop Chair, Dr Panos Patros, and Journal Special Issue Chairs Prof Ruili Wang, and Dr Yulei Wu for attracting high quality special issues for the top-ranked papers in this conference. We would like to give our thanks to all the members of the Organizing Committee and Program Committee members for their efforts and support. We truly appreciate the efforts of all authors who submitted their papers to the TrustCom-2019 conference and workshops/symposia. We truly hope all the participants find the conference stimulating and constructive and at the same time enjoy the stay in Roturua.