Reflector and combined headlamp for LED automobile illumination

The invention provides a reflector and a combined headlamp for LED automobile illumination. The inner surface of the reflector is a free-form surface. Firstly, a light source solid angle is divided, then an illumination region is meshed by applying the energy conservation law according to illumination profile characteristics of the headlamp, and then numerical calculation is carried by using refraction and reflection laws to obtain the final free-form surface of the reflector for the LED automobile illumination. The combined headlamp comprises protective glass, a passing light LED light source, a distance light LED light source, a lamp housing, a heat radiator, a passing light reflector and a distance light reflector, wherein the passing light LED light source and the distance light LED light source are respectively installed at the upper side and the lower side of the heat radiator, which extend into the lamp housing; the lamp housing is arranged outside the passing light reflector and the distance light reflector and connected with the reflectors; and top surfaces of the two reflectors are supported by using the lamp housing, and the bottom surfaces of the two reflectors are supported and fixed by using the heat radiator. The combined headlamp has the advantages of small volume, wide view field, high light energy utilization rate, better heat radiation property and convenience for switching of passing light and distance light.