Optimizing parameters for flat-panel detector digital tomosynthesis.

Digital tomosynthesis is a novel technique that allows easy and swift volume data acquisition in selected regions of the body. However, many radiologists and technologists are unfamiliar with this technique and the potential artifacts related to data acquisition. Digital tomosynthesis requires a single linear sweep of the x-ray tube assembly with corresponding tomographic reconstruction of large-area flat-panel detector radiographic data. Standard acquisition parameters include sweep angle, sweep direction, patient barrier-object distance, number of projections, and total radiation dose. Potential acquisition-related artifacts include blurring-ripple, ghost artifact-distortion, poor spatial resolution, image noise, and metallic artifact. A comprehensive understanding of the relationships between acquisition parameters and potential associated artifacts is critical to optimizing acquisition technique and avoiding misinterpretation of artifacts. Sweep direction should be chosen on the basis of the anatomy of interest and the purpose of the examination so as to reduce the influence of blurring-ripple, ghost artifact-distortion, and metallic artifact. Adjusting the sweep angle, number of projections, and radiation dose will optimize depth resolution, avoid ripple in the sections of interest, and reduce unnecessary radiation exposure without compromising image quality. Thus, it is important that the radiologist and technologist establish appropriate protocols for different examination types to allow optimal utilization of this novel imaging technique.