Maximizing Functions of Rotations—Experiments Concerning Speed of Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices Using Jacobi's Method
We are interested in various methods which might be used with digital computing devices to maximize a function of a rotation. In particular, we are interested in the speed of convergence when elementary rotations (in the 2-plane of a pair of coordinate vectors as defined below) are used to generate the maximizing rotation. As a particular example we have chosen the Jacobi method of diagonalization of symmetric matrices [1], [9, pp. 280-285], in which the function to be maximized is the sum of the squares of the diagonal terms of the matrix
[1] M. Lotkin. A set of test matrices , 1955 .
[2] R. T. Gregory. Computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix on the ILLIAC , 1953 .
[3] C. Jacobi,et al. C. G. J. Jacobi's Gesammelte Werke: Über ein leichtes Verfahren, die in der Theorie der Sacularstorungen vorkommenden Gleichungen numerisch aufzulosen , 1846 .