The quality of metadata in learning object repositories is frequently low; metadata records are incomplete, inaccurate, and out of date. This paper introduces a collaborative, metadata editing approach to improve metadata quality and completion by the community's effort. WikiLOR is a wiki that acts as both: a learning object repository and a collaborative metadata editor. WikiLOR proposes a wiki-way for editing both a learning object's content and its metadata. WikiLOR encourages collaborative editing, promotes discussion, helps in conflict resolution and supports version management. The paper additionally documents an experiment that reveals the qualities of WikiLOR and compares it to other benchmark applications.
Erik Duval,et al.
On the Use of Learning Object Metadata: The GLOBE Experience
Markus Krötzsch,et al.
Semantic Wikipedia
WWW '06.
Jane Greenberg,et al.
Semantic Web Construction: An Inquiry of Authors' Views on Collaborative Metadata Generation
Dublin Core Conference.
Ronald Maier,et al.
Metadata Generation for Learning Objects: An Experimental Comparison of Automatic and Collaborative Solutions
Andrés Chiappe Laverde,et al.
Toward an instructional design model based on learning objects