NLS: A Non-Latent Similarity Algorithm

NLS: A Non-Latent Similarity Algorithm Zhiqiang Cai ( Danielle S. McNamara ( Max Louwerse ( Xiangen Hu ( Mike Rowe ( Arthur C. Graesser ( Department of Psychology/Institute for Intelligent Systems, 365 Innovation Drive Memphis, TN 38152 USA ways. However, here we used a method modified from Lin (1998). In the following sections, we describe the general concept behind vector space models, describe the differences between the metrics examined, and present an evaluation of these metrics’ ability to predict word associates. Abstract This paper introduces a new algorithm for calculating semantic similarity within and between texts. We refer to this algorithm as NLS, for Non-Latent Similarity. This algorithm makes use of a second-order similarity matrix (SOM) based on the cosine of the vectors from a first-order (non-latent) matrix. This first-order matrix (FOM) could be generated in any number of ways; here we used a method modified from Lin (1998). Our question regarded the ability of NLS to predict word associations. We compared NLS to both Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and the FOM. Across two sets of norms, we found that LSA, NLS, and FOM were equally predictive of associates to modifiers and verbs. However, the NLS and FOM algorithms better predicted associates to nouns than did LSA. Vector Space Models The basic assumption behind vector space models is that words that share similar contexts will have similar vector representations. Since texts consist of words, similar words will form similar texts. Therefore, the meaning of a text is represented by the sum of the vectors corresponding to the words that form the text. Furthermore, the similarity of two texts can be measured by the cosine of the angle between two vectors representing the two texts (see Figure 1). Introduction Computationally determining the semantic similarity between textual units (words, sentences, chapters, etc.) has become essential in a variety of applications, including web searches and question answering systems. One specific example is AutoTutor, an intelligent tutoring system in which the meaning of a student answer is compared with the meaning of an expert answer (Graesser, P. Wiemer- Hastings, K. Wiemer-Hastings, Harter, Person, & the TRG, 2000). In another application, called Coh-Metrix, semantic similarity is used to calculate the cohesion in text by determining the extent of overlap between sentences and paragraphs (Graesser, McNamara, Louwerse & Cai, in press; McNamara, Louwerse, & Graesser, 2002). Semantic similarity measures can be classified into Boolean systems, vector space models, and probabilistic models (Baeza-Yates & Ribeiro-Neto, 1999; Manning & Schutze, 2002). This paper focuses on vector space models. Our specific goal is to compare Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA, Landauer & Dumais, 1997) to an alternative algorithm called Non-Latent Similarity (NLS). This NLS algorithm makes use of a second-order similarity matrix (SOM). Essentially, a SOM is created using the cosine of the vectors from a first-order (non-latent) matrix. This first- order matrix (FOM) could be generated in any number of Corpus Word Representation Text Similarity Text Representation Figure 1. From Corpus to Text Similarity. The four items of Figure 1 can be described as follows. First, the corpus is the collection of words comprising the target texts. Second, word representation is a matrix G used to represent all words. Each word is represented by a row vector g of the matrix G. Each column of G is considered a “feature”. However, it is not always clear what these features are. Third, text representation is the vector v = G T a representing a given text, where each entry of a is the number of occurrences of the corresponding word in the text. Fourth, text similarity is represented by a cosine value between two vectors. More specifically, Equation 1 can be used to measure the similarity between two texts represented by a and b,