Clinico-pharmacological examination of Postinor (0.75 mg d-norgestrel).

Postinor, an oral postcoital contraception containing .75 mg d-norgestrel, was given to 111 15-41 year old women treated during 999 cycles. The Postnor tablets were given primarily to those fertile, unmarried, divorced, widowed, and married women for whom oral contraceptives (OCs) or an IUD were contraindicated. The tablet was also indicated for women who had sexual intercourse infrequently and did not want to take contraceptives continuously. 39 of the 111 women were married with an apparent regular sexual life; 72 were unmarried, divorced, or widowed women with intercourse occasionally. 81 were nulligravida, 30 had delivered a child previously and had had abortion. Gynecological disease occurred in the history of only 1 unmarried woman who had been subjected to unilateral ovariectomy. Postinor has to be used immedicately up to 1 hour after coitus in a 1 tablet dose. In cases of multiple coitus 1 tablet has to be taken after the 1st coitus and another tablet after 3 hours and on the following day. The changes occurring in response to d-norgestrel treatment in the endocrinous secretion and functions of target organs characteristic of the cycle were examined on the basis of the following parameters: plasma follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) was determined by radioimmunoassay; serum progesterone and 17-beta-estradiol was measured; vaginal cytology; cervical mucus; and basal temperature was taken before and during treatment. Pregnancy occurred in 4 cases. In 3 cases the drug was not used as prescribed. Pregnancy calculated for 999 cycles occurred in .4%; Pearl index was 4.8/1000. Considering the total cycle number, cycle anomaly occurred in 55 cases (5.5%). Temporary breakthrough bleeding was observed in 31 cases (3.1%). The drug controlled dysmenorrhea and cycle disorder in 1 case. The colpocytological pattern was not influenced in the follicular phase by weekly 1 tablet d-norgestre. In response to the weekly 2 tablets the karyopyknotic index decreased moderately after 7-8 days. In the secretive phase the effect of the product was more expressed even in response to the consumption of 1 tablet. Spinnbarkeit and arborization of cervical mucus chaged within a shorter period both in the follicular and luteal phases. If more than 4 tablets are consumed during the 1st half of the cycle, even if following longer intervals, the proteo and steroid hormone curves as well as the basal temperature curve may become monotopic.