An Automated GIS based Piezoelectric Potential Assessment: PE Calculator©

Renewable Sources are at the front line of policy discussions for replacing the fossil fuels around the world. Piezoelectric (PE) material can generate electricity in response to mechanical stress. Knowing that cars put a significant amount of stress onto the roadways every day, the use of piezoelectric transducer for asphalt pavement energy harvesting has gained the attention of researchers in the recent years. Despite the continuing research on improving the efficiency of this new technology, developing a tool to measure the PE potential of the roads, is a necessity for future utilization of piezoelectric materials. Addressing such a need, in this research, we use the python programming language, the scripting language of choice for the ArcGIS platform, to develop a state of the art software – PE Calculator© which generates the PE potential of roads. The PE Calculator© gives the user the choice of defining the boundary of study, traffic condition and PE coefficient. In addition to visualized PE potential maps using Geographies Information System (GIS), the PE Calculator© generates a detailed table, expressing the PE potential for each road segment. The result of this research can be used by both public and private sectors, including policy makers, transportation engineers, city planners, and etc. to prioritize future PE implementation plans accordingly.