Deep subthreshold Xi;{-} production in Ar + KCl reactions at 1.76A GeV.

We report first results on a deep subthreshold production of the doubly strange hyperon Xi;{-} in a heavy-ion reaction. At a beam energy of 1.76A GeV the reaction Ar + KCl was studied with the High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer at SIS18/GSI. A high-statistics and high-purity Lambda sample was collected, allowing for the investigation of the decay channel Xi;{-} --> Lambdapi;{-}. The deduced Xi;{-}/(Lambda + Sigma;{0}) production ratio of (5.6 +/- 1.2_{-1.7};{+1.8}) x 10;{-3} is significantly larger than available model predictions.

B W Kolb | J Stroth | P Zumbruch | P Finocchiaro | T. Liu | A. Tarantola | P. Fonte | J. Lange | J. Mousa | E. Castro | M. Palka | M. Traxler | M. Destefanis | S. Chernenko | M. Sudoł | B. Spruck | C. Sturm | J. Stroth | L. Naumann | A. Belyaev | M. Weber | P. Braun-Munzinger | L. Fabbietti | T. Karavicheva | F. Krizek | A. Kurepin | K. Lapidus | J. Otwinowski | Y. Pachmayer | A. Rustamov | A. Schmah | Y. Zanevsky | A. Reshetin | F. Guber | K. Kanaki | V. Wagner | G. Agakishiev | S. Spataro | A. Kugler | T. Eberl | P. Zhou | B. Sailer | J. Wüstenfeld | A. Sadovsky | M. Jurkovič | R. Krücken | A. Blanco | L. Lopes | B. Kämpfer | R. Gernhäuser | L. Maier | J. Michel | P. Finocchiaro | P. Salabura | W. Kühn | V. Metag | T. Hennino | B. Ramstein | R. Holzmann | D. Belver | A. Ivashkin | D. Mishra | J Mousa | E Castro | J. Boyard | M. Roy-Stéphan | Y. Sobolev | M. Böhmer | J. Friese | T. Christ | M. Golubeva | H. Ströbele | S. Yurevich | O. Fateev | J S Lange | Y. Parpottas | R Krücken | R Holzmann | I. Iori | J. A. Garzón | E. Morinière | B. Kolb | P. Tlustý | W. Koenig | J. Markert | J. Pietraszko | B. Michalska | P Braun-Munzinger | F Guber | K Kanaki | T Karavicheva | F Krizek | A Kurepin | R Gernhäuser | T Liu | R. Bassini | D Kirschner | M Jurkovic | L Fabbietti | K Lapidus | D Mishra | A Blanco | L Lopes | G Agakishiev | M Sudol | M Weber | A Balanda | R Bassini | D Belver | A V Belyaev | M Böhmer | J L Boyard | P Cabanelas | S Chernenko | T Christ | M Destefanis | J Díaz | F Dohrmann | A Dybczak | T Eberl | O V Fateev | P Fonte | J Friese | I Fröhlich | T Galatyuk | J A Garzón | A Gil | C Gilardi | M Golubeva | D González-Díaz | T Hennino | I Iori | A Ivashkin | B Kämpfer | I Koenig | W Koenig | R Kotte | W Kühn | A Kugler | S Lang | M Lorenz | L Maier | A Mangiarotti | J Markert | V Metag | B Michalska | J Michel | E Morinière | C Müntz | L Naumann | J Otwinowski | Y C Pachmayer | M Palka | Y Parpottas | V Pechenov | O Pechenova | J Pietraszko | W Przygoda | B Ramstein | A Reshetin | M Roy-Stephan | A Rustamov | A Sadovsky | B Sailer | P Salabura | A Schmah | Yu G Sobolev | S Spataro | B Spruck | H Ströbele | C Sturm | A Tarantola | K Teilab | P Tlusty | M Traxler | R Trebacz | H Tsertos | V Wagner | M Wisniowski | T Wojcik | J Wüstenfeld | S Yurevich | Y V Zanevsky | P Zhou | I. Fröhlich | D. González-Díaz | A. Mangiarotti | R. Kotte | A. Balanda | P. Cabanelas | A. Dybczak | A. Gil | I. Koenig | M. Lorenz | C. Müntz | V. Pechenov | O. Pechenova | W. Przygoda | K. Teilab | R. Trebacz | H. Tsertos | D. Kirschner | F. Dohrmann | S. Lang | M. Wiśniowski | T. Wójcik | P. Zumbruch | C. Gilardi | T. Galatyuk | J. Diaz | T. Liu