Powder Processing and Coating Heat Treatment on Cold Sprayed Ti-6Al-4V Alloy

This study investigates the effect of powder processing on powder flowability, compact ability, and the heat treatment of the resulting coatings on the mechanical properties of cold gas dynamic sprayed Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Nitrogen gas was used throughout the coating deposition process. Propellant gas temperature and pressure were attuned to maximize particle impact velocity. Three powder processing conditions were used in this study: as received (AR), low-energy ball milled (BM), and argon atmosphere heat treated (HT). Results showed coating porosities of around 6 to 7%, regardless of the feedstock powder used or the heat treatment performed. It was observed at 600 and 800°C anneals that a coating hardness reduction occurred, possibly due to static recovery and recrystallization, with minor sintering possibly occurring at the 800°C anneals. In addition, micro tensile tests showed an increase in cohesion strength at higher heat treatment temperatures.