Density-Functional Theory for Time-Dependent Systems

The response of an interacting many-particle system to a time-dependent external field can usually be treated within linear response theory. Due to rapid experimental progress in the field of laser physics, however, ultra-short laser pulses of very high intensity have become available in recent years. The electric field produced in such pulses can reach the strength of the electric field caused by atomic nuclei. If an atomic system is placed in the focus of such a laser pulse one observes a wealth of new phenomena [1] which cannot be explained by traditional perturbation theory. The non-perturbative quantum mechanical description of interacting particles moving in a very strong time-dependent external field therefore has become a prominent problem of theoretical physics. In principle, it requires a full solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for the interacting many-body system, which is an exceedingly difficult task. In view of the success of density functional methods in the treatment of stationary many-body systems and in view of their numerical simplicity, a time-dependent version of density functional theory appears highly desirable, both within and beyond the regime of linear response.

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