A classical result in recursion theory is the Rice-Shapiro theorem (conjectured by RICE [lo, p. 3611 and proved independently by MCNAUGHTON, MYHILL, and SHAPIRO [11, p. 3061). It gives an “extensional” characterization of classes Q of r.e. sets whose index set 0% is r.e., as follows: 0% is r.e. if and only if Q is an r.e. open class, i.e., V consists of all r.e. sets which extend an element of a canonically enumerable sequence of finite sets. This pappr addresses itself to the question of whether a similar extensional characterization can be given for the classes of r.e. sets whose index set is a Boolean combination of r.e. sets. It is an immediate consequence of the Rice-Shapiro theorem that the index set of a Boolean combination of r.e. open classes is a Boolean Combination of r.e. sets. Evidence for the converse was given by GRASSIN [3, Prop. 81 who showed that if 8% is a Boolean combination of r.e. sets then % is a Boolean combination of open classes; he left open the question of whether these must be r.e. open classes. It will be shown below that this is in fact false; hence an exact characterization in these terms cannot be givcn, since if r.e. open class” is weakened (say to “co-r.e. ”) 0 g netd not even be in A!. By contrast, it, will be shown that for generalized index sets (i.e., index sets 0,,(%) of classes Q of sets a t a fixed level of the finite Erghov hierarchy), the following extensional characterization holds: For all ?L 2 2 and classes V of sets a t level n of the hierarchy, On(%) is a Boolean combination of r.e. sets if and only if V is a Boolean combination of “small” open classes (i.e., open classes determined by finite sequences of finite sets). “
H. Gordon Rice,et al.
On completely recursively enumerable classes and their key arrays
Journal of Symbolic Logic.
H. Rice.
Classes of recursively enumerable sets and their decision problems
Louise Hay,et al.
A noninitial segment of index sets
Journal of Symbolic Logic.
Louise Hay,et al.
Index sets of finite classes of recursively enumerable sets
Journal of Symbolic Logic.
Nancy Johnson.
Classifications of Generalized Index Sets of Open Classes
J. Symb. Log..
Nancy Johnson.
Rice Theorems for ∑ n -1 Sets
Canadian Journal of Mathematics.
L. Hay.
Rice Theorems For D.R.E. Sets
Canadian Journal of Mathematics.
Paul H. Morris,et al.
A reducibility condition for recursiveness
Jacques Grassin.
Index Sets in Ershov's Hierarchy
J. Symb. Log..
Jr. Hartley Rogers.
Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computability
Y. Ershov.
A hierarchy of sets. I