Monte Carlo Renormalization Group

In 1976, Ma1 made the suggestion of combining Monte Carlo (MC) computer simulations with a real-space renormalization-group (RG) analysis to calculate critical exponents at second-order phase transitions. Since then, numerous authors2–14 have presented various ways of implementing Ma's idea to produce a useful theoretical tool. In these lectures, I will discuss a particular Monte Carlo renormalization-group (MCRG) method that I and several coworkers have been using.7–14 The method is still in the early stages of development, but it has a number of advantages over older methods, and has already produced excellent results for some systems of interest.

[1]  R. Baxter Potts model at the critical temperature , 1973 .

[2]  Lattice renormalization group and the thermodynamic limit , 1977 .

[3]  R. B. Potts Some generalized order-disorder transformations , 1952, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

[4]  The surprising effectiveness of the Migdal-Kadanoff renormalization scheme , 1979 .

[5]  Peter Reynolds,et al.  Large-cell Monte Carlo renormalization group for percolation , 1980 .

[6]  R. Baxter Partition function of the eight vertex lattice model , 1972 .

[7]  M. Schick,et al.  First and Second Order Phase Transitions in Potts Models: Renormalization - Group Solution , 1979 .

[8]  Shang‐keng Ma Renormalization Group by Monte Carlo Methods , 1976 .

[9]  R. Swendsen,et al.  First-order phase transitions and the three-state Potts model , 1979 .

[10]  D. Scalapino,et al.  Singularities and Scaling Functions at the Potts-Model Multicritical Point , 1980 .

[11]  Real-space renormalization for arbitrary single-site potential , 1979 .

[12]  R. Swendsen,et al.  Critical behavior of the three-dimensional Ising model , 1979 .

[13]  M. den Nijs,et al.  A relation between the temperature exponents of the eight-vertex and q-state Potts model , 1979 .

[14]  F. Wegner Corrections to scaling laws , 1972 .

[15]  K. Binder,et al.  Dynamic properties of the Monte Carlo method in statistical mechanics , 1973 .

[16]  R. Baxter,et al.  Exact Solution of an Ising Model with Three-Spin Interactions on a Triangular Lattice , 1973 .

[17]  W. H. Williams,et al.  Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics , 1964 .

[18]  R. Swendsen,et al.  Monte Carlo renormalization-group studies of q-state Potts models in two dimensions , 1980 .

[19]  O. Heinisch,et al.  Fisz, H.: Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. 3. Aufl. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, London 1963; 677 S., Preis 115 s , 1964 .

[20]  R. Swendsen,et al.  Monte Carlo renormalization group and Ising models with n > or = 2 , 1979 .

[21]  Shang-keng Ma Alternative approach to the dynamic renormalization group , 1979 .

[22]  R. Swendsen Monte Carlo renormalization-group studies of the d=2 Ising model , 1979 .

[23]  F. Wegner,et al.  Logarithmic Corrections to the Molecular-Field Behavior of Critical and Tricritical Systems , 1973 .

[24]  J. Felsteiner,et al.  Kadanoff block transformation by the Monte Carlo technique , 1977 .

[25]  K. Wilson Monte-Carlo Calculations for the Lattice Gauge Theory , 1980 .