Textile Conservation and Research: A Documentation of the Textile Department on the Occasion of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Abegg Foundation
A book on textile conservation and research based on 20 years' work at the Abegg Foundation's Textile Department, Bern, Switzerland. The first section introduces methods of textile conservation: preliminary examination and documentation; seven cleaning methods; conservation with needle and thread; conservation under glass and under plastics; storage and display. The second section analyzes over 100 examples of conservation work, including tapestries, flags, embroidery, liturgical and secular garments, burial finds, textile relics, water finds, textile prints, reconstruction (Etruscan linen book, antique wall hangings, patterned fragments, garments). A technical catalog provides information on materials and technique used in the conservation of 95 textile artifacts. A fourth section gives brief information on training of textile conservators. Also available in German under the title, Textilkonservierung im Dienste der Forschung . See also abstract of article by King, Donald in this same AATA issue.