A Methodology for Meeting Context-Specific Information Needs Related to Nursing Orders

Nurse information needs at the point of care exist; however, once provided with access to resources, nurses seek evidence-based answers. The success of answering an information need through an automated Infobutton relies on the program's ability to anticipate a clinician's question. This study's six process methodology aims to meet context-specific information needs related to clinical information system (CIS) nursing orders. Context-specific questions were derived from nurse generic questions generated from nurse focus group data, observational data, and an established taxonomy. The context-specific questions, were filtered by nursing order semantic type within a logical clinical context cluster (LCCC), which is a clinical association identified from the nurse perspective. Nursing orders of the same semantic type are associated with similar types of nurse information needs and are used to assess Internet-based resources for the capability to answer those information needs. LCCCs help identify resources and CIS areas ripe for an Infobutton.