Performance of some generalised modified order statistics CFAR detectors with automatic censoring technique in multiple target situations

The author presents three generalised modified OS CFAR detectors and an automatic censoring technique. These three new OS CFARs are: a generalised ordered statistic cell averaging (GOSCA) CFAR, a generalised order statistic greatest of (GOSGO) CFAR and a generalised ordered statistic smallest of (GOSSO) CFAR. For these three new OS CFAR detectors the author obtains analytic expressions of the false alarm rate, the detection probabilities and the measure ADT under the Swerling 2 assumption. He analyses their detection performance in homogeneous background and in the presence of strong interfering targets, and compares them to several previously proposed CFARs. This analysis shows that the GOSCA CFAR detector has the best detection performance among the OS and the several modified OS CFAR detectors. Since a new automatic censoring technique is used in the CFAR detectors, this makes the GOSGO and GOSSO CFARs more robust than the OSGO and OSSO CFARs. When the number of strong interfering targets attains the greatest interfering targets allowed, the performance of the OS CFAR is worst among the GOSCA, GOSGO, GOSSO and OS CFAR detectors.