Vehicle and wheel detection: a novel SSD-based approach and associated large-scale benchmark dataset

Many vehicle and wheel detection methods based on convolutional neural networks suffer from challenges due to the lack of training data and the limitation on small object detection. To solve this problem, we present a novel optimized SSD algorithm with multi-concatenation modules, aiming to improve the performance of small object detection. In the multi-concatenation module, features from different layers are concatenated together, including feature map from shallow layer with more location information, feature map from intermediate layer, and feature map from deep layer with rich semantic information. SEBlock is employed to re-weight the new feature map to improve the quality of representation. Furthermore, to facilitate the study of vision-based vehicle and wheel detection, a large-scale benchmark dataset of 8209 images is established, comprising five object categories: truck, pickup, tractor, car, and wheel. On the Pascal VOC 2007 test set, our network achieves 78.7% mAP, which is higher than SSD by 1.5%. On KITTI dataset, the proposed method can reach 71.4% mAP, surpassing SSD by 3.5%. In addition, experimental results show that the proposed method results in better detection performance on small objects.

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