The CHROMA focal plane array: a large-format, low-noise detector optimized for imaging spectroscopy

The CHROMA (Configurable Hyperspectral Readout for Multiple Applications) is an advanced Focal Plane Array (FPA) designed for visible-infrared imaging spectroscopy. Using Teledyne’s latest substrateremoved HgCdTe detector, the CHROMA FPA has very low dark current, low readout noise and high, stable quantum efficiency from the deep blue (390nm) to the cutoff wavelength. CHROMA has a pixel pitch of 30 microns and is available in array formats ranging from 320×480 to 1600×480 pixels. Users generally disperse spectra over the 480 pixel-length columns and image spatially over the n×160 pixellength rows, where n=2, 4, 8, 10. The CHROMA Readout Integrated Circuit (ROIC) has Correlated Double Sampling (CDS) in pixel and generates its own internal bias signals and clocks. This paper presents the measured performance of the CHROMA FPA with 2.5 micron cutoff wavelength including the characterization of noise versus pixel gain, power dissipation and quantum efficiency.