CSCW Infrastructure Requirements Derived from the Scrutiny Project

However important security issues may be for workflow environments , it seems that this topic is only now beginnin g to be of interest for the community. That is why our contribution is mainly aimed at generating a discussion resulting in greater awareness. Therefore we have tried to evaluat e existing security concepts according to major requirement s imposed by WFMSs without making a final decision fo r one model or another because at this stage such a decisio n would be premature. This position paper describes some of the requirements fo r CSCW toolkit and infrastructure support derived from a re-2 Scrutiny is a trademark of Bull HN Informatio n Systems Inc. cently completed three year project to build and us e Scrutiny, a distributed CSCW system for performing software inspection and review. A number of lessons wer e learned during the execution of this project that will be applied to future projects. We describe some of the issues derived from these lessons, particularly those concerned wit h requirements for infrastructure and integration with othe r systems .