Aplikasi CLuFA(Clustering Using Go Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm)
Until now, there are lots of web applications for clustering gene expression available via the internet. These applications are using various clustering techniques to get the best clustering result. Unfortunately, result
from those kind of technique, also known as traditional clustering technique, are inconsistent because they are using ‘one gene, one cluster’ theory. CLuFA (Clustering using GO Fuzzy c-means Algorithm) application is a web
application that develops using clustering technique GO Fuzzy c-means. This technique is using ‘one gene, many clusters’ theory and also requires prior biological knowledge to get more constant clustering result. CLuFA
application is developing by using Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming technique and MySQL database. The methodology that been used to develop the CLuFA application is Web Engineering. Hopefully CLuFA application can help the user at giving the best clustering result and is user-friendly.