The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and speed of a new, semiautomatic method of three-dimensional (3D)-two-dimensional (2D) vascular registration. This method should help guide endovascular procedures by allowing interpretation of each digital subtraction angiographic (DSA) image in terms of precreated, 3D vessel trees that contain "parent-child" connectivity information.
Connected, 3D vessel trees were created from segmented magnetic resonance (MR) angiograms. Eleven total DSA images were registered with such trees by using both our method and the current standard (manual registration). The accuracy of each method was compared by using repeated-measures analysis of variance with correction for heterogeneity of variance to evaluate separation of curve pairs on the view plane. Subjective clinical comparisons of the two registration methods were evaluated with the sign test. Registration times were evaluated for both methods and also as a function of the error in the initial estimate of MR angiographic position.
The new registration method produced results that were numerically superior to those of manual registration (P < .001) and was subjectively judged to be as good as or better by clinical reviewers. Registration time with the new method was faster (P < .001). If the rotational error in the initial estimate of MR angiographic position is less than 10 degrees around each axis, the registration itself took only 1-2 minutes.
This method is quicker than and produces results as good as or better than those of manual registration. This method should be able to calculate an initial registration matrix during endovascular embolization and adjust that matrix intermittently with registration updates provided by automatic tracking systems.
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