Renal duplication anomalies in the fetus: clues for prenatal diagnosis

Duplex kidneys are one of the most common major congenital abnormalities of the urinary tract. The antenatal diagnosis of duplex kidney and its associated ureterocele is infrequent. We report on our experience with the prenatal diagnosis of duplex kidneys in seven fetuses over the past 24 months. In all fetuses, the sagittal length of the duplex kidney was above the 95th centile for gestational age. A ‘cyst‐like’ structure in the upper pole of the duplex kidney and a ureterocele in the urinary bladder were present in all of the seven fetuses. An ipsilateral dilated ureter was seen in six of seven fetuses. Postnatal confirmation of renal duplication anomalies was obtained in all neonates. Increased familiarity of the prenatal sonographer with duplex kidney will allow for its antenatal diagnosis and thus early postnatal treatment. Copyright © 1996 International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology