Úloha managementu lidských zdrojů ve společnostech založených na přímých zahraničních investicích: zkušenosti ze zemí střední a východní Evropy

The aim of the authors is to analyze the stages of the development of human resource management in Central and Eastern Europe since the change of the economic system and the beginning of transition to market economy as well as the consequences and the impact of the crisis on the human resource management function based on the survey conducted in 7 countries of Central and Eastern European region on the sample of 150 FDI-invested companies from manufacturing and service sector that were chosen randomly. 67 companies agreed to participate on the survey and complete the questionnaires. They were completed by the directors, heads or managers responsible for human resources. Human resource management has moved from simple administrative role to the position of strategic partner, however this new function is perceived, implemented and executed differently in the companies in the region. This position as well as HR priorities and activities have been severely touched by the economic and financial crisis in the region: the study shows the major trends in this area.