Did the Athenian Ecclesia Legislate after 403/2 B.C.?

I N AN EARLIER ARTICLE 1 I argued that nomoi were passed by the nomothetai, that nomoi superseded psephismata and that the ypac/>~ v6JLov JL~ E7TLT~SEWV BELvaL was introduced as a special type of public action against unconstitutional nomoi, whereas the ypacp~ 7Tapav6JLwv henceforth could be brought only against psephismata. But these distinctions are purely formal. I shall now turn to the crucial question: was there any difference in substance between nomoi and psephismata? and ifso, was the distinction respected by the Athenians?2 As is well known the essential difference between nomoi and psephismata is reflected in Greek legal thought and expressed by the philosophers.