강제진동 기법을 이용한 무미익 비행체의 동안정 미계수 측정

In this experimental study, the dynamic stability derivatives of a tailless lambda-shape UAV are estimated from time history data of aerodynamic moments measured from the internal balance while the test model is forced to oscillate at given frequencies and amplitudes. A 3-axis forced oscillation apparatus is designed to induce decoupled roll, yaw, pitch oscillations respectively. The results show that the roll damping derivatives remain stable at the entire range of angle of attack tested, whereas the pitch damping derivatives become unstable beyond 15° angle of attack. The amplitude and frequency have little impact on roll damping derivatives while the smaller amplitude and frequency of oscillation improves the pitch stability. The yaw damping derivative values are fairly small as expected for a tailless configuration. The results indicate that the proposed methodology and test apparatus area valid for estimating the dynamic stability derivatives of a tailless UAV.