Optimal management of emergent hypertension during treatment with a VEGF signaling inhibitor: A randomized phase II study of cediranib

3555 Background: Hypertension (HT) is a commonly reported side effect following administration of agents that target VEGF signaling. Cediranib (AZD2171) is an oral, highly potent and selective inhibitor of VEGF signaling, with activity against VEGFR-1, -2 and -3. This study prospectively investigated the optimal HT management approach to minimize dose interruptions and reductions in order to maximize cediranib dose intensity. Methods: Patients with advanced solid tumors (n=126) were randomized to one of four treatment groups: cediranib 30 or 45 mg/day ± antihypertensive prophylaxis. The prophylaxis groups received a low dose of calcium channel antagonist (CCA) 3–7 days before starting cediranib. All patients received standardized, predefined HT management commencing with a CCA followed, when needed, by a beta blocker and/or an ACE inhibitor. Results: Cediranib was generally well tolerated and all groups achieved high dose intensities in the 12 week assessment period (88–89%, 30 mg; 74–79%, 45 mg). Increas...