Managing in the information age

Part 1 Acknowledgments Part 2 Introduction Part 3 Part I. Living and Working in the Information Age Chapter 4 1 The Changing Environment in Which We Live and Work Chapter 5 2 The Sociopolitical and Organizational Context of Information Chapter 6 3 Diversity in the Workforce Chapter 7 4 Ethical Issues Part 8 Part II. Management: Putting Theory into Practice Chapter 9 5 The Organization and Its Function Chapter 10 6 Leadership Chapter 11 7 Motivation, Management, and the Manager Chapter 12 8 Communication Chapter 13 9 Marketing Part 14 Part III. Managing the Organization Chapter 15 10 Innovation and Planning Chapter 16 11 Organizing Work Chapter 17 12 Decision Making Chapter 18 13 Staffing Systems Chapter 19 14 Performance Appraisal Chapter 20 15 Program Management and Evaluation Chapter 21 16 Financial Management Chapter 22 17 Planning and Managing Physical Facilities Chapter 23 18 Knowledge Management Part 24 Index Part 25 About the Author