Stepping over an obstacle on a compliant travel surface reveals adaptive and maladaptive changes in locomotion patterns
Unfortunately, a wrong graph of Fig. 4 was submitted to the article. The correct figure is presented below. Therefore, the following information is not correct and should read as follows: In the section ‘‘Dynamic stability margin’’ starting on page 4: Line 4: ‘‘(F(4,18)=5.80, P < 0.0035)’’ should read ‘‘(F(4,18)=3.67, P < 0.0224).’’ Line 5: ‘‘(F(4,18)=0.35, P < 0.8372)’’ should read ‘‘(F(4,18)=1.84, P < 0.1620).’’ Line 8: The last sentence ‘‘The only difference noted is that DSMAP was significantly larger in the compliant surface condition when compared to the ground condition in step N 1.’’ should be removed.