Universal Design is now a global term, used to design a product or an environment which will be usable by large number of people without having a specialized design. However, accessible design is a design process in which the needs of people with disabilities are specifically considered. Building standards on accessibility contains scoping and technical requirements for accessibility to sites, facilities, building and elements by individual with disability. INDIA is also following its prescriptive types of various building standards for the creation of physical environment for people with disabilities. These building standards are based on western models instead of research based standards to serve Indian needs. These standards lack contextual connect when reflects in its application in the urban and rural environment. This study focuses on critical and comparative study of various international building standards and codes, with existing Indian accessibility standards to understand problems and prospects of concept of Universal Design building standards for INDIA. The result of this study is an analysis of existing state of Indian building standard pertaining to accessibility and future need of performance based Universal Design concept.
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Architectural Competitions - Empirical Observations and Strategic Implications for Architectural Firms
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The Inaccessibility of Building Accessibility: Giving Visual and Material Form to Innovation
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Universal Design 2016: Learning from the Past, Designing for the Future
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L. D. Houck.
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Studies in health technology and informatics.