Implementing flare compensation for EUV masks through localized mask CD resizing

Early production EUV exposure tools may have difficulty achieving flare requirements in the 5-6% range for the 32nm technology node. In this case, flare compensation may be needed to achieve the necessary CD control budget for production. This paper explores both experimentally as well as computationally wafer CD compensation though mask CD resizing so that proper CD control across the exposure field can be maintained. Experimental resist data collected on POB#2 of the Engineering Test Stand (ETS) suggest that even a simple linear CD compensation model can signifantly improve CD contorl in the presence of flare variation. Extending a similar concpet to a hypothetical full-field 25×33 mm2 mask area containgin 20 nm gate CDs shwos taht CD compensation, while computationally demanding, can be realized through a convolution approach of a 1×1 mm2 mask area using a non-uniform adaptive grid.